You don’t have to spend sleepless nights worrying about money.
I work with successful professionals who stay awake at night obsessing over their finances.
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Whether you want to get out of debt or increase savings, pay taxes on time or solve conflict with your spouse, financial coaching will help you get in control of your finances and end your money worries for good.
As a result of working with me, you can:
- Create a budget so you know exactly where your money.
- Take control of your finances with certified financial coaching.
- Have a plan to pay off debt and keep current with taxes so that you are not paying for the past with your future.
- Increase savings so you can handle unexpected expenses and know that retirement, college and vacations are possible.
- Learn how to communicate better with your spouse about money so you can stop arguing.
- Identify your financial goals and learn how to achieve them. Learn to live within your means.
- Learn financial management skills.
- Overcome self-defeating beliefs; become a save-money expert!

Personal finance done right.
Money is an integral part of our lives, but few of us are taught how to use money effectively and confidently. Without this knowledge and understanding, personal finance can be frustrating and confusing. We intend to spend and save wisely, but self-defeating emotions and beliefs can get in the way.
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Solve money issues without conflict.
Don’t let money come between you and your partner. Couples may have differing beliefs or values about money. Talking about their beliefs, not who is right or wrong, leads to understanding.
Financial coaching can help couples attain financial health now and in the future. You can live happily ever after, financially speaking.
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The right decisions in your life transitions.
Life Transitions
Whether it be through inheritance, divorce, business or insurance settlement, a change in circumstance can cause anxiety, indecision and fear in those who don’t develop a strategy. While sudden wealth sounds good, it can take us out of our comfort zone and be emotionally and financially challenging.
Avoid mistakes when confronted with life changing events such as inheritance, divorce or settlements.
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Take over your financial future.
Self Employed
Building and maintaining a successful business and coping with financial responsibilities of day-to-day life can be daunting. I can help you build a sustainable financial plan for the future and assure a balance in your life.
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Nice to meet you, I'm Resa.
I’m a straight-talking (no BS!) financial coach who gets a real charge out of helping you get in control of your money, eliminating the happiness-sucking anxiety that’s keeping you up at night.
I am a born problem-solver with a built-in compass when it comes to personal money management. I am pragmatic, intuitive, licensed and empathetic. Most of all, I'm laser-focused on the realities of being in debt. I teach my clients to live within their means and develop a healthy relationship with money.

Often our money beliefs are created in childhood and the repercussions from those beliefs can last a lifetime. When I was growing up, my parents suffered severe financial difficulties and that underlying anxiety permeated our household. My own childhood interpretations left me terrified of never having enough money.
As a result, I was determined to have enough money, and I became very good at it! I worked my way through college and graduate school. With MBA in hand, I started in the corporate world, and then grew a successful business from the ground up. No matter what my financial situation was, the fear regarding money didn’t change.
I had an epiphany one day. I was out to dinner with friends and about to order “the cheaper entree” because what I really wanted cost $5 dollars more. I was suddenly hit with the realization that I had a six figure savings account, was earning a six figure income and was actually not going to eat the dinner I wanted (again!) because of $5.00.
It’s then that I became crystal clear that money can be a lot less about numbers and a lot more about our emotions and relationship to money. (You can be sure that I order what I want for dinner now!)
I felt compelled to understand why people do what they do with money, along with how they do it. The dots started connecting for me. My experiences, education and knowledge moved me along a new career path and I became a Certified Financial Coach.

My mission:
I’ll help you, not only get out of debt, build your savings or resolve conflict with your partner, but help you create a healthy relationship with your money that will change your life. I am fiercely committed to helping you put an end to your money worries so you can get on to living your happiest life.
Not to brag (much), but I can help you change your life:
"When my husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s I inherited managing all aspects of our financial life, something he had always been responsible for. After he died I dealt with details but the big money issues I pretty much ignored. I wanted to buy a nice car but felt guilty even thinking about spending money like that. In working with Resa I began to see how my parents’ training from surviving the Great Depression had once again taken over my money thinking. Resa helped me come to terms with those old messages and I began to see with proper budgeting and expense tracking how I could be confident about spending money and begin to enjoy life again. Thanks so much Resa."
— Cheri"I can say without any hesitation that when I was desperate and needed real help I found Resa, and my life will just simply never be the same. As I look back over my transition from complete financial despair, personal trauma, fatigue and utter delusion to where I am now, I can only say, “Thank You Resa”, for making this journey possible."
— Emily"When I came to Resa, I was going through a divorce and starting up a new business, I realized I needed to get my financial house in order since I was carrying significant credit card debt with no regular income. Through working with Resa, I have gained clarity about my spending habits, know the difference between wants and needs and reduced my credit card debt significantly. Today, I work within a budget, make better spending decisions, have a successful business and thoughtful financial plans in place. Through this all, Resa has been a caring, supportive, smart, nonjudgmental guide through a difficult time. I highly recommend her!"
— Barbara"We all know that money can be a delicate topic, especially when dealing with couples. My husband and I were no exception when we first met with Resa. We had no real spending or savings plan and were carrying a pretty hefty debt load. Resa was able to help us understand our triggers, put a manageable budget into place and bring us from a negative to a positive cash flow. It was then we were also able to start saving for the future where we now have a nest egg of over $1 million.
We would have never gotten here on our own and highly recommend Resa for multi-level financial coaching."
— Karen"Working with Resa was one of the best (and most cost-effective) investments I've ever made. In a short time, she helped me get a crystal-clear picture of my expenses and goals, and taught me practical, easy-to-implement methods to stay on top of both. I left our sessions with a written plan, a concrete goal in mind, and most importantly - a huge sense of relief from the clarity she gave me.
What I really appreciate most about Resa is that she understood that I am already juggling a ton of professional and personal life details as it is, and made my next steps extremely doable and extremely clear. Plus, she's an absolute professional, and a delight to talk to. If you're thinking of sharpening up your budget, automating money flow, changing careers, merging finances with a partner, or planning for a big life event, Resa is 100% your go-to counselor. Highly recommended!"
— Jill