Resa Shore • Money Coach

Straight talking guidance about money.

Take a Break Without Breaking the Bank

Time for a break! You work hard. You deserve a vacation. Experian just released a study showing that 68% of people overspend on vacations. That’s a lot of people that lose the thrill of vacation by struggling to pay for it later. Don’t be one of them. How do you get the relaxation you want without paying for it later (both in credit card debt and stress)? Here’s a foolproof way to do it: Plan ahead and save in advance. […]

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How to Raise “Money Smart” Kids

One of the most common questions I get from clients is how to do money better with their kids then their parents did with them.

Here’s the first step: Buck up and have the hard talk. No, not sex. Money!

In a survey by T. Rowe Price, 74% of parents admitted to being at least somewhat reluctant to open up to their kids about money. But kids really need to understand money. We are in the information age. Your kids are hearing about the impact of jobs, debt, and foreclosures everywhere.

So what should we say and do to set our children up for a healthy financial future? […]

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More Money, More Happiness?

Can more money make you happier?
Actually, there’s not a simple answer. But if you strive to increase your wealth, you might want to take note.

Money can make life enjoyable and help you achieve your goals, but having more doesn’t guarantee fulfillment. As a money coach, I get to know an awful lot of stuff about people and their money. In Your Money Your Life, authors Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin use the concept of the “The Fulfillment Curve” to explain spending and happiness. It makes so much sense. […]

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Part Two: How Happy Couples Do It Continuously (Financially Speaking)!

When it comes to love, money is a positive expression of intimacy at best and a deal breaker at worst. If you ignore the topic of money, it’s like getting in a canoe without a paddle. You aren’t going to get very far and you might end up in a bad place.Last month in Part One, I laid the groundwork to address emotions with your partner around money. In Part Two, my focus is “how to do your money as a couple”. […]

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How Happy Couples do it! (Financially Speaking)

We come to marriage with stars in our eyes, but often with blinders on when it comes to finances. As a money coach, it’s no surprise that I see many couples where financial problems could lead them to untie the knot. If money conflicts are getting in your way, try these strategies to chuck the blinders and start seeing stars again. […]

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Cruise Control is for Cars, Not Money

If you have copious income, abundant savings, no debt, a fully funded retirement, then it’s fair to say that you probably don’t need a budget. But for those of us out there that don’t fit that description, you might want to listen up. […]

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A Little Money Now, Goes a Long Way Later

Here we are, entering 2015! Unless you’ve mastered time travel, you will get older… and hopefully, with this advice, a bit wiser.

Retirement planning is seldom top of mind in your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s (or in your mind at all!) But starting early is the easiest and most painless way to set yourself up for freedom in the future. Life spans are getting longer and seniors more active. If spending 25 years in a rocking chair doesn’t excite you, how will you finance a satisfying life in the third chapter?

The new year is a great time to kick start your efforts. […]

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Stop the Sleigh, I want to get off.

Here we go! The holiday frenzy has begun.

Does holiday spending stress you out? Do you find yourself spending in ways you really don’t want? Have you lost the joy of celebrating? Are you overwhelmed by your credit card bills once the holiday madness has diminished?

If so, perhaps it’s time to stop.


Stop. […]

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The Key to Your Financial Health!

How do you save for retirement, get out of debt or solve a myriad of money struggles that keep you up at night? My newsletter is a start. As a certified money coach, I am passionate about helping people solve money challenges so they can be happier! I usually work with my clients one on one, but I am also excited to share insights more broadly in this newsletter. I’d love to help with any of your money questions, so please email me any topics you’d like me to address. Soon I will also be offering webinars to explore specific money issues in more depth. […]

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Little Things Make a Big Difference

People often think that the only way to make substantive progress is by committing to huge change or depriving themselves of the things they want. I love the way David Krueger MD (author of The Secret Language of Money) spells out how little things really make a difference. He explains it so succinctly in his current article where it applies to both money and food: […]

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